Click here to contact Arlene.
I am a writer, speaker, activist, and consultant. Listings prior to January, 2002, were carried out in my capacity as a founding partner of Adams & Goldbard, an organizational and cultural development consulting firm.
As a speaker, workshop leader, and writer my aim for fresh takes on subjects that matter intensely to audiences and participants. Please see Talks & Workshops and Essays & Articles and for more information.
As a consultant, I have worked with a wide variety of public and private agencies, most of them involved in cultural policy, artistic production and distribution, and cultural development planning and evaluation. My consulting work integrates research, writing and editorial services, planning, program development, group dynamics, organizational restructuring, and cooperative problem-solving. Please see Consulting for more information.
This c.v. has four sections:
(1) seminars, speeches and workshops
(2) publications
(3) a partial list of consultations
(4) additional background information
Seminars, Speeches And Workshops
- Keynote and workshops at Community Built Association national conference, Omaha, NE, April 2022
- Workshops at RuralX 2020 Dakota Resources June 2020
- Talks and Workshops at the Imagining A New Democracy Summit Charlottesville, VA, March 2020
- Talks and Workshops at The University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD November 2019
- Two virtual residencies with Francois Matarasso on Ethics of Community-based Arts Work, watch video here and The Future of Community Arts, watch video here, May and June 2020.
- Workshops at CULTURESHIFT 2018, US Department of Arts and Culture, November 2018
- Workshops and keynote at the Oklahoma Arts Conference Oklahoma Arts Council, Oklahoma City, OK, October 2018
- Workshops at Radically Rural, a conference for people in small New England communities Hannah Grimes Center, Keene NH, September 2018
- Planned and led Jewish Artists Retreat, Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, NM, December 2017
- Workshops on “Imagining Victory: A Journey to the Future and Back” and facilitation, plus closing plenary, Art for Social Change (ASC! Project) conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, November 2017
- Workshop and panel on “Art, Politics, Spirit: Braided Activism for Culture Shift” Bioneers conference, San Rafael, CA, October 2017
- Story Circle workshop on water Dancing Earth/Santa Fe Art Institute water rights residency, Santa Fe, NM, February 2017
- “America Needs Artists: Ten Reasons Why.” HaMakom Continuing Education Series, Santa Fe, NM, February 2017. Download the text here.
- Story Circle workshop, People’s State of the Union Tiaso, Albuquerque, NM, January 2017
- Seminar for Youth Orchestra of the Americas Global Leaders Program, international, December 2016
- Seminar on Community Cultural Development in Public Art UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, November 2016
- Moderator for panel discussion with Pussy Riot Lensic Theater, Santa Fe, NM, November 2016
- Policy plenary and workshops at CULTURE/SHIFT2016, St. Louis, MO, November 2016. Find links to watch videos at the USDAC website.
- “Imagining Philanthropia” at Grantmakers in The Arts annual conference, St. Paul, MN, October 2016
- Workshop on the Ethics and Values of Participatory Arts Practice for Forecast Public Art, St. Paul, MN, October 2016
- Presentation on The Culture of Possibility for Art and Spirit course, Hendrix College, Conway, AR, October 2016
- Keynote, “America Needs Artists: Ten Reasons Why” for the Midwest Jewish Artists Laboratory Network conference, Overland Park, KS, September 2016
- Presentation on cultural policy for Western States Arts Foundation Board of Trustees, Seattle, WA, May 2016
- Panel presentation for Called to Walls film premiere, Lawrence, KS, February 2016
- Seminar for Youth Orchestra of the Americas Global Leaders Program, international, November 2015 and December 2015
- Keynote on “Dare to Imagine: the Creative Future of the Art Festival,” for the ZAPP Conference, WESTAF, Kansas City, MO, September 2015
- Keynote on “Community-Based Arts Work: Co-Creating Beauty and Meaning,” story circle training, and interactive workshop on ethics of community-based arts practice for the Public Art 101 series of the City of Calgary Public Art Program, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, January 2015.
- Keynote on “The Power of Story,” story circle training, and dialogue facilitation for the Associated Colleges of The South Digital Storytelling Workshop, Hendrix College, Conway, AR, October 2014
- Talk on “Imagination, Empathy, Creativity: Planning for A Culture of Possibility,” at University of Missouri Kansas City Department of Architecture,Planning, and Urban Design, October 2014
- Workshop on “A Culture of Possibility for Overland Park” for InterUrban ArtHouse, Overland Park, KS, October 2014
- Talk on “Radical Amazement: Art and Spirituality,” for the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City, Overland Park, KS, October 2014
- Convocation Speech on “The Self-Authorizing Citizen,” for Open Master’s, San Francisco, CA, September 2014
- Presentations at “Risk and Reinvention: How Women Are Changing The World,” inaugural symposium of the Women’s International Study Center, Santa Fe, NM, August 2014
- Interview on the USDAC on “Peace Paradigm Radio” on KWMR-FM, Point Reyes, CA, July 2014
- “Arlene Goldbard: Art and Story As Activism, Awakener and Change Catalyst” on the Rob Kall Show on WNJC radio, Philadelphia, PA, April 2014
- Workshop on the “Ethics of Community-Based Arts Work” for the Sistema Fellows at the New England Conservatory, Harvard Arts-in-Education Program, and MassArts,” Cambridge, MA, March 2014
- Talk on “The Culture of Possibility: Art, Artists & The Future” at the Harvard Graduate School of Education<, Cambridge, MA, March 2014
- Annual Senator Claiborne Pell Lecture on Arts & Humanities: “A Culture of Possibility for Providence,” Providence, RI, March 2014
- Workshop for Providence Youth Arts Collaborative on “Reframing Youth Arts,” Providence, RI, March 2014
- Presentation at “Heritage of Hope: Immigrant Voices Then and Now,” A Unique Celebration of the Lunar New Year of The Horse by Chinese Whispers in partnership with the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, San Francisco, CA, February 2014.
- Keynote and Workshop for Staging Sustainability 2014: People. Planet. Profit. Performance, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, February 2014.
- Talk on “The Culture of Possibility” for the Community Arts Practice program at York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, February 2014.
- Workshop for Delware Valley Grantmakers: Power Dynamics in Philanthropy: Creating A Culture of Possibility,” Philadephia, PA, November 2013.
- Workshop for the Bartol Stockton Rush Foundation, The Leeway Foundation, and the Philadelphia Cultural Alliance: “Ethics of Community Arts Practice,” Philadelphia, PA, November 2013.
- Panel presentation for MetroVancouver Zero Waste Conference 2013: “The Art & Science of Zero Waste,” Vancouver, British Columbia, October 2013.
- Workshop for Cultural Strategies Initiative: “Creating A Culture of Possiblity: Climate Change,” New York, NY, October 2013.
- Culture of Possibility workshop at Bowery Arts + Science, New York, NY, October 2013.
- Public presentation on community arts for New Village Press Book Circus Oakland, CA, February 2013.
- Public talk entitled “Tell It! How Shaping Our Stories Shapes Our Lives and Communities” as part of the “Bloomsburg Explores Community, Arts, and the 2011 Flood,” and panel for opening of Flood Stories Too, for Bloomsburg Theater Ensemble, Bloomsburg, PA, March 2013.
- Keynote and workshops for ArtWorks Scotland Conference 2012: “Art, Society, and Participation: Constructing The Larger Narrative,” Glasgow, Scotland, November 2012.
- Keynote and workshops for Arts & Community Symposium, a conversation on the promise and potential of the new Westminster Center for the Arts, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT, October 2012.
- “Hiding in Plain Sight: Unmasking The Public Interest in Art,” public lecture, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, October 2012.
- “Getting Our Hopes Up: Envisioning Arts Education” keynote and “Refreshing Your Vision” workshop for 6th Annual Arts Education Leadership Institute, University of Northern Colorado. Greeley, CO, June 2012.
- “Getting Our Hopes Up: Envisioning Art at the Center,” for Western States Arts Foundation/Arts for Colorado cultural policy speaker series. Denver, CO, June 2012.
- “Teaching The Controversy: Seven Ways of Looking at Theater.” Keynote speech for the Theatre Bay Area annual conference at Berkeley Repertory Theatre. Berkeley, CA, May 2012.
- “The World We Make: Envisioning Art at The Center,” keynote at Rustbelt to Artist Belt: At the Crossroads, St. Louis Regional Arts Commission. St. Louis, MO, April 2012.
- “Getting Our Hopes Up: Rethinking Arts Advocacy,” Keynote at annual congress of the Washington State Arts Alliance annual Cultural Congress. Yakima, WA, April 2012.
- “Art’s Public Purpose: Preparing a Paradigm Shift” keynote for the International Council of Fine Arts Deans. October, 2011, Washington, DC.
- “Art and Civic Dialogue “fishbowl” conversation for “Beyond Dynamic Adaptability” conference Wallace Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, Grants for The Arts. October, 2011, San Francisco, CA.
- “Participatory Public Art” and “Culture: The Crucible of Change,” talks and panel discussions for Bioneers 2011. October, 2011, San Rafael, CA.
- “Flipping the Script: Putting Art at the Center (Where It Belongs),” talk and Reframing The Arts Workshop for the Alliance of Resident Theatres, New York. May, 2011, New York, NY.
- “Reframing The Arts,” a talk and workshop hosted by STEP UP for Arts Education. May, 2011, San Antonio, TX
- Public talk and Reframing The Arts Workshop for the Alliance of Resident Theatres. May 2011, New York.
- “Reframing The Arts” workshop hosted by Emerging Arts Professionals/San Francisco Bay Area at The Oakland Museum. April 2011.
- Keynote address 10th Anniversary Celebration and Symposium for Performing Arts and Social Justice at the University of San Francisco. April 2011.
- Keynote speech for the Alliance of Performing Arts Service Organizations conference hosted by the Austin Creative Alliance: “The Wellspring: How Your Work is Transforming The World (Whether You Know It Or Not).” Austin, TX, March 2011.
- “The Evolving Artist,” plus a workshop on “Challenges in the Classroom and in Performance,” Weill Music Institute, Carnegie Hall, New York, NY, November 2010.
- “Why America Needs Artists (It’s Not What You Think),” and a workshop on “The Ethics and Values of Community Arts Practice,” Department of Art & Art History, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, October 2010.
- “Why America Needs Artists (It’s Not What You Think),” keynote speech for the launch of the Economic Revitalization for Performing Artists’ new book, We Are No Longer Strangers: A Celebration of Cultural Entrepreneurship, The Field, New York, NY, September 2010. Watch video here.
- “Art and The Public Good: Your Money Or Your Life,” Alliance for Arts and Culture, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 2010.
- “Cultural Citizenship and Social Healing: Art as The Key to Sustainable Community,” City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, Philadelphia, PA, May 2010.
- “Achieving Creative Potential Through Cultural Development,” School of Theatre and Film, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, Arizona State University P.A.V.E. Program, Tempe, AZ, April 2010.
- “Why Culture is The Secret of Survival (and Why We Keep Missing the Point),” At the Crossroads: A Community Arts and Development Convening, Community Arts Training (CAT) Institute, St. Louis Regional Arts Commission, St. Louis, MO, March 2010.
- “Why Culture is The Secret of Survival (and Why We Keep Missing the Point),” Program in Arts Administration and Student Advocates for The Arts, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, March 2010.
- “Towards A New WPA,” WomenArts, NewShoe, Cherry Lane Theatre, League of Professional Theatre Women, New York, NY, March 2010.
- “Sensing The Demand,” California Arts Advocates Visioning Retreat, “Reframing the Role of the Arts in California, Sacramento, CA, January 2010.
- “A New WPA: Why a Sustainable Future Demands Cultural Recovery,” Cultural Policy Center, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, October 2009. Click here to download the full text and read about other events during this visit to Chicago.
- “Creative Renewal: How Art Can Save Us Now – A Dialogue with Arlene Goldbard” International Centre of Art for Social Change, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 2009. Click here to download the full text.
- “The Secret of Survival,” National Summit of Ensemble Theaters, San Francisco, CA, June 2009. Click here to download the full text.
- America’s Cultural Recovery and Ethics and Values of Community Arts Practice, Mural Arts Program, Philadelphia, PA, May 2009.
- Cultural Recovery, Lawrence Arts Center and Lawrence Percolator, Lawrence, KS, April 2009.
- The Path of Integration: Embodying Your Essence as A Teaching Artist, National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA, October 2008.
- Datastan Meets Storyland: Surfing the Zeitgeist Without Wiping Out, International Centre of Art for Social Change, Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 2008.
- The Curriculum Project, Imagining America, Los Angeles, CA, September 2008.
- Leading With Your Best Self, National Conference for Community Arts Education, Los Angeles, CA, November 2007.
- Building Peaceful Communities Through The Arts, Shanti Foundation, Chicago, IL, October 2007.
- The Ethics of Community Arts Practice, Philadelphia Center for Arts and Heritage, Philadelphia, PA, October 2007.
- The Ethics of Community Arts Practice, Creative Exchange, London, England, July 2007.
- Community Cultural Development: Justice Permeated By Love, Interferencia, Barcelona, Spain, July 2007.
- Social Inclusion and the Culture of Participation in Sant Boi, Cal Ninyo, Sant Boi, Spain, July 2007.
- Converging Worlds: Art, Politics and Community, Tyler School of Art, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, March 2007.
- Pulling The Wool From Our Eyes, Western Pennsylvania Arts in Education Partnership Conference for Resident Artists, Cambridge Springs, PA, May 2007.
- The Ethics of Community Arts Practice, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA, March 2007.
- Refreshing Your Vision, Samuel Fleisher Institute, Philadelphia, PA, March 2007.
- Culture and Community Development, Delaware Valley Grantmakers, Philadelphia, PA, March 2007.
- The World’s Largest Organism, Lord Leebrick Theater, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, February 2007.
- The Culture of Fear, Democratic Vistas Forum, Center for Arts Policy, Columbia College, Chicago, IL, November 2006.
- Community Arts as Spiritual Practice, keynote, National Guild of Schools of the Arts Conference for Community Arts Education, Phoenix, AZ, November 2006.
- Story Revolution Conference, Ukiah Players Theatre, Ukiah, CA, November 2004.
- Political Participation and Artistic Citizenship, New York University Tisch School of Arts, New York, NY, October 2004.
- Experimental Performance Institute, New College of California, San Francisco, October 2003.
- Community Lecture Series, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, April 2003.
- Vision Unlimited Community Theatre Conference, Hong Kong, February 2003.
- Cultural Policy Lecture Series, University of Texas, Austin, TX, January 2003.
- Cooper Union, New York, NY. November 2001.
- Community, Culture and Globalization Conference, Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio, Italy, May 2001.
- Cultural Policy in the West, Western States Arts Foundation, Aspen, CO. September 1999.
- Content ‘97, National Educational Media Network, Oakland, CA. May 1997.
- The Status and Future of Public Arts Funding, Mid-America Arts Alliance, St. Louis, MO. December 1995.
- Missouri Arts Council and Missouri Alliance for Arts Education, Saint Louis, MO. February 1994 and April–August 1996.
- Converging Streams Colloquium, Institute for Social Ecology, Goddard College, Plainfield, VT, June 1996.
- Plains Presenters, Kansas City, MO. April 1996.
- Pedagogy of the Oppressed conference, University of Nebraska/Omaha. March 1996.
- Alternate ROOTS, Atlanta, GA, Community Arts Revival, Durham, NC. January 1994.
- The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, NY. February and September 1993.
- South Carolina Arts Commission, Columbia, SC. February 1992.
- Association of Art Museum Directors, New York, NY. Honolulu, HI, January-February 1991 and Fort Worth, TX, February 1992.
- KZYX, Mendocino County Public Broadcasting, Philo, CA. December 1989-February 1990.
- California Committee for the Promotion of History, Mendocino County, CA. October 1989.
- Women’s Caucus for Art, San Francisco, CA. February 1989.
- New College of California, San Francisco, CA. September 1989 and November 1988.
- Alliance of New York State Arts Councils, White Plains, NY. April 1988-July 1988.
- Oregon Advocates for the Arts, Eugene, OR. November 1987.
- California Confederation of the Arts, San Francisco, CA. October 1987.
- Dartington College, Totnes, Devon, England. April-May 1987.
- Jubilee Arts, West Bromwich, West Midlands, England. April 1987.
- The Red Rose, Islington, London, England. April 1987.
- Southern Arts Association, Newbury, England. April 1987.
- Alliance for Cultural Democracy, Boston, MA. November 1986, Atlanta, GA. October 1983.
- Conference on Social Theory, Politics & the Arts, University of CA/San Diego. October 1986.
- National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, Washington, DC., Minneapolis, MN. October 1986.
- Another Standard ’86, The Shelton Trust, London. Sheffield, England. July 1986.
- Illinois State University, Springfield . November 1985.
- National Conference of State Legislatures, Denver, CO. Williamsburg, VA, November 1985.
- Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. November 1985.
- Center for Experimental & Interdisciplinary Arts, School of Creative Arts, San Francisco State University. Spring semesters 1984 and 1985.
- Pro Arts, Oakland, CA. January 1984.
- Ohio Arts Council, Columbus. Dayton, September 1983.
- National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies, Washington, DC. Philadelphia, June 1983.
- Franklin Furnace, New York City. June 1983.
- Western States Arts Foundation, Santa Fe, NM. May 1983.
- Practicing Cultural Democracy, NAPNOC, Baltimore, MD. University of Nebraska at Omaha, October 1983.
- University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. September 1982.
- Social & Public Art Resource Center (SPARC), Venice, CA. June 1982.
- Institute for Social & Policy Studies, Department of Sociology, Yale University, New Haven, CT. February 1982.
- Political Art Documentation/Distribution, New York City. February 1982.
- Citizen Heritage Center, Minneapolis, MN. Macalaster College, Saint Paul, January 1982.
- University of Illinois, Chicago Circle . October 1981.
- Media Alliance and People’s Theater Coalition, San Francisco, CA. September 1981.
- Community Art Resource, San Francisco, CA. September 1981.
- The Gathering, Theaterwork, St. Peter, MN. August 1981.
- Alternate ROOTS, Camp Ozone, TN. August 1981.
- Center for Responsive Governance, Washington, DC. February 1981.
- In The Camp of Angels of Freedom: What Does it Mean to be Educated?. See NYU Press website. January 2023.
- Essay for the 50th anniversary of the San Francisco Neighborhood Arts Program. Read here. April 2018.
- Art Became The Oxygen: An Artistic Response Guide. Download at U.S. Department of Arts and Culture. August 2017.
- “Belonging as A Culture Right” in Othering and Belonging Journal; Issue 2, Spring 2017. Read at Othering and Belonging website.
- “Culture as Commons,” in The City as Commons: A Policy Reader Download at July 2016.
- “Acts of Collective Imagination: Notes From the Chief Policy Wonk at America’s Department of Arts and Culture,” in Yes! Magazine. November 2015.
- An Act of Collective Imagination: The USDAC’s First Two Years of Action Research, U.S. Department of Arts and Culture. September 2015.
- “Cultural Equity: An Opera in Three Acts,” in STIR Journal. September 2014.
- “Call & Response: IA’s Conference Experiment,” Imagining America’s Public journal. May 2014. Download here.
- “The Cultural Commons Lies Hidden in Plain Sight, On The Commons, December 2013.
- The Culture of Possibility: Art, Artists & The Future, Waterlight Press, May 2013.
- The Wave, Waterlight Press, May 2013.
- Music & Civil Society: A Never-Finished Symphony Interactive publication based on a symposium sponsored by Community MusicWorks and The Cogut Center for the Humanities at Brown University. November 2011 to March 2012.
- “Symposium: Seven Characters in Search of An Audience (with apologies to Plato),” in Counting New Beans: Intrinsic Impact and the Value of Art, a publication of Theatre Bay Area. March 2011.
- “The Art of Engagement: Creativity in the Service of Citizenship,” in The Connected Community: Local Governments as Partners in Citizen Engagement and Community Building, editors James H. Svara and Janet Denhardt, Alliance for Innovation, Tempe, AZ, October 2010.
- “Nine Ways of Looking at Ourselves (Looking at Cities)” in What We See: Advancing the Observations of Jane Jacobs, May, 2010.
- “Twelve Bites of the Apple: Beth Grossman’s ‘All the Rest is Commentary,'” May, 2010. Read the full text at Zeek.
- “Three Habits of the Heart and Mind To Spark Cultural Awakening,” May, 2010. Read the full text at the On The Issues Magazine.
- “The Long, Hot Summer of Service: Community Artists on The Job,” July, 2009. Read the full text at the Community Arts Network.
- “Cultural Recovery,” Public Art Review, Issue 40, Spring/Summer 2009.
- “Arguments for Cultural Democracy and Community Cultural Development,” GIA Reader, Spring 2009. Read the full text at Grantmakers in The Arts.
- “Human Rights and Culture: From Datastan to Storyland,” SpandaNews (III, 1, January/April 2009). Download at the Spanda site.
- “The New New Deal2009: Public Service Jobs for Artists?” December, 2008. Read the full text at the Community Arts Network.
- “The New New Deal, Part 2—A New WPA for Artists: How and Why,” January, 2009. Read the full text at the Community Arts Network.
- The Curriculum Project Report: Culture and Community Development in Higher Education, 2008. Download at the project site.
- “The Gaze That Creates Community,” in Nueva Luz, Volume 13:1, New York: En Foco, 2008.
- “To Sanctify,” 2008. Read the full text at the Kaddish Project.
- “The Metrics Syndrome,” 2008. Read the full text at the Community Arts Network.
- “Bromides and Sugar-Pills: Cleaning Out the Artworld Medicine Chest,” Teaching Artist Journal, 6:3, 220-223, July 2008. Click here to download the full text.
- New Creative Community: The Art of Cultural Development, Oakland: New Village Press, 2006. More information here.
- “Looking Before You Leap: Community Arts in Context,” in Art/Vision/Voice: Cultural Conversations in Community, Baltimore: Maryland Institute College of Art, 2005.
- “Culture Wars, Round Two,” In Motion Magazine, May 2005.
- “Examining the Challenge of Cultural Diversity, CAN Reading Room, April 2005,
- “Trouble in Oz: Australia’s Community Cultural Development Programs Threatened, CAN Reading Room, March 2005.
- “When Will We Ever Learn?” In Motion Magazine, February 2005.
- “The Story Revolution: How Telling Our Stories Transforms the World, CAN Reading Room, January 2005.
- “Don’t Do It! Organizational Suicide Prevention for Progressives,” CAN Reading Room, September 2004.
- Clarity, New York: iUniverse, May 2004.
- “When Art Worlds Collide” in Alternative Art New York, 1965-1985, University of Minnesota Press, January 2003.
- “Community, Culture and Globalization,” Community, Culture and Globalization,
New York, NY: The Rockefeller Foundation, April 2002. - “Memory, Money, and Persistence: Theater of Social Change in Context,” Theater (New Haven), Volume 31, Number 3 (Spring 2002).
- Transforming Dialogue: Web Lab’s Explorations at the Frontiers of Online Community, New York, NY: Web Lab, July 2000.
- “Creative Risk,” Living Text: The Journal of Contemporary Midrash, Number 8, Winter 2000.
- Creative Community: The Art of Cultural Development, New York, NY: The Rockefeller Foundation, May 2000.
- “Pitfalls of Planning,” Lessons Learned Planning Toolsite (). 1998.
- “Let Them Eat Pie: Philanthropy à la Mode,” Tikkun (Oakland, CA), (July/August 1996), Volume 11, Number 4.
- “A Bright New Day: Why a 25-year-old Distribution Co-op Could Be the Wave of the Future,” The Independent (New York), May 1996.
- “Calling the Question of Critical Stance,” Sniper’s Nest. Annandale-on-Hudson, NY: Bard Center for Curatorial Studies, 1996.
- “Race and Redemption: Notes for a National Conversation,” High Performance (Santa Monica, CA), Number 66 (Summer 1994), Volume 17, Number 2.
- “Postscript to the Past,” High Performance (Santa Monica, CA), Number 64 (Winter 1993), Volume 16, Number 4.
- “Learning to Read the World,” Exposure (Boulder, CO) Volume 28, Number 1/2, 1991.
- The Bottom Line: Funding for Media Arts Organizations. San Francisco: National Alliance of Media Arts Centers, 1991.
- Crossroads: Reflections on the Politics of Culture. Talmage, CA: DNA Press, 1990.
- “Democracy and Competence,” Reimaging America: The Arts of Social Change, Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1990.
- “Faith, Reason and the Art of the Future,” High Performance (Santa Monica, CA), Number 48 (Winter 1989), Vol. 12, No. 4.
- “Social Studies: Cultural Policy and Media Literacy,” The Independent (New York), August/September 1989.
- “Artists’ Organizations in the 1980s” Artpaper (Minneapolis), Volume 9, Number 2, 1989.
- Kansas Rural Arts Organizer. Topeka: Kansas Arts Commission, 1989.
- “Cultural Democracy: A New Cultural Policy for the United States,” Winning America: Ideas and Leadership for the 1990s, Boston: South End Press, 1988.
- “Breaking down the cultural barricades,” In These Times (Chicago), February 10-16, 1988.
- “Tough Times,” Heresies (New York), Volume 6, Number 2, 1987.
- “The Challenge of Cultural Action” and “Cultural Democracy,” Cultural Correspondence (New York), Number 5, 1986.
- “Community, Art and The State,” Community Murals Magazine (Berkeley, CA), Fall 1986.
- “Falling into the enemy’s arms,” In These Times (Chicago), August 20-September 2, 1986.
- The Small Town Arts Organizer. Columbia: South Carolina Arts Commission, 1986.
- “From the Ground Up: Cultural Democracy as a National Movement,” Upfront (NYC), Winter 1984.
- “The Right to Culture,” Journal of Arts Management & Law (Washington, DC), Spring, 1983.
- “The Challenge of Cultural Action,” Cultural Correspondence (New York), Winter, 1983. Also published in Theaterwork (St. Peter, MN), March/April, 1982.
- “Art Where You Are,” The Progressive (Madison, WI), June 1982.
- “South of the Border: Cultural Politics in the U.S.,” FUSE (Toronto), May/June, 1982.
- “Grassroots Vanguard,” Art in America (New York), April, 1982.
- “A Roundtable: Culture and Democracy,” The New York Times (New York), April 25, 1982.
- “Freedom and Diversity: U.S. History and the Challenge of Cultural Democracy,” Theaterwork, March/April, 1982.
- “Neighborhood Arts Under Reagan,” Journal of Community Action (Washington, DC), January/February, 1982.
- “Task Force’s Work Now Is Done” and “I Don’t Know Much About Culture, But…,” In These Times (Chicago, IL), September 30-October 6, 1981.
- “Cultural Democracy vs. the Democratization of High Culture,” Social Policy (New York), May/June, 1981.
- “The Heritage Foundation and Reagan’s Policies,” Theaterwork, March/April, 1981.
- Cultural Democracy (ISBN 0730-9503): Adams and Goldbard established this periodical in June 1981, and served as co-editors through issue 27 (January/February 1983).
Cultural Policy and Issue-Oriented Organizations
- U.S. Department of Arts and Culture, New York, NY. Founding “Chief Policy Wonk” of this national performative social change project promoting the public interest in art and culture. July 2012-January 2019.
- Imagining America, Syracuse, NY. Designing, implementing, and documenting a new participatory method of reflecting on IA’s annual conference in process, and sharing reflections at participatory plenary sessions. August-November 2013.
- WomenArts, San Francisco/Berkeley, CA. Planning, program design, writing and strategic support for an international organization supporting women artists. 2009-2012.
- White House Briefing on the Arts, Community, Social Justice, National Recovery, Washington, DC, Co-leader and organizer for a meeting of community artists, activists and creative organizers with Obama administration officials. May 2009.
- Water The Roots, Chicago, IL, Planning for a national coalition supporting traditional artists. June-October 2008.
- The Curriculum Project, National research into education for community cultural development. October 2007-October 2008.
- National Campaign for Freedom of Expression, Washington, DC, and Seattle, WA. November 1990-January 1991 and November 1994-April 1995.
- Mendocino County Board of Supervisors, Ukiah, CA, February-June 1992.
- Institute for Media Analysis, New York, NY. March 1988-November 1988.
- Blue Mountain Center, Blue Mountain Lake, NY. May 1987.
- Public Advocates, San Francisco, CA. August 1985-August 1986.
- Neighborhood Arts Programs National Organizing Committee (NAPNOC), renamed The Alliance for Cultural Democracy, Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD, May 1979-May 1983, and San Francisco, CA, June-August 1978.
- California Arts Council, Sacramento, CA. November-December 1978.
Other Arts and Cultural Organizations
-, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. Keynote and workshop on community engagement for national convening of Canadian opera companies. September 2017.
- Kansas City Jewish Community Center/InterUrban ArtHouse, Overland Park, KC. Advising “Wall of Respect” multifaith public art project. June 2017.
- Encounters/Rencontres, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Spring 2015-present.
- ASC! Project, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Spring 2014-present.
- City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, Philadelphia, PA. April-May 2010.
- Thousand Kites Project, Roadside Theater and Holler to the Hood, Whitesburg, KY. October 2006-present.
- Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA. October 2004-June 2005.
- Richmond Arts and Cultural Commission, Richmond, CA. April-June 2005.
- Arizona State University, Herberger College of Arts, Tempe, AZ. August 2004-March 2005.
- The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, NY. June 1998-January 2003.
- Arts International, New York, NY. April-June 1999.
- The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY. December 1987-June 1988, May-July 1990, and September 1990-March 1996.
- The American Festival Project, Whitesburg, KY. August 1994 to February 1995.
- ExhibitsUSA, Kansas City, MO. January-March 1993.
- Harvestworks, New York, NY. October 1988-March 1989.
- CenterArts, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA. March-April 1988.
- Artsreach, Artists-in-Prisons Program, Los Angeles, CA. December 1987-January 1988.
- Jerri Allyn (performance artist), New York, NY. June 1986.
- Ukiah Players Theatre, Ukiah, CA. February-October 1985, November 1986, November 1987, fall/winter 1989-90.
- People’s Theater Coalition, San Francisco, CA. October 1984-January 1985.
- Community Art Resource, San Francisco, CA. August-December 1984.
- Community Murals Magazine, Berkeley, CA. August-December 1984.
- Lilith, San Francisco, CA. August-December 1984.
- UP Productions, San Francisco, CA. August-December 1984.
- Theater Artaud, San Francisco. May-June 1984.
- Pickle Family Circus, San Francisco. June 1983-March,1984.
- United Mime Workers, Champaign, IL. October-November 1983.
- At the Foot of the Mountain, Minneapolis, MN. April 1982-June 1983.
- Chicago Mural Group, Chicago, IL. October-November 1981.
Independent Media and Communications Projects
- Center for Digital Storytelling, Berkeley, CA. March 2012-December 2013.
- The Praxis Project, Washington, DC. July-November 2009.
- Global Kids, New York, NY. September 2003-May 2006.
- Center for Rural Strategies, Whitesburg, KY. January 2002-January 2004.
- Asian Cinevision, New York, NY. November 2001-November 2002.
- New Day Films, Berkeley, CA, NY, NY and Ho-ho-kus, NJ. April 1984-November 2002.
- Independent Television Service, St. Paul, MN and San Francisco, CA. January-October 1994, May 1996-March 1997, July 1998-November 2001.
- Web Lab, New York, NY. August 1999-November 2001.
- Lyn Blumenthal Memorial Fund, Chicago, IL. September 1999-March 2000.
- Appalshop, Whitesburg, KY. September 1980, October 1983, October 1997-January 1999.
- Open Society Institute, New York, NY. August 1998-November 1998.
- The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, NY. April 1996-December 1997.
- Program for Art on Film, Columbia University and Pratt Institute, New York, NY. February 1989-May 1991, January 1996-October 1996.
- Paul Robeson Fund for Film and Video, New York. March-June 1991 and September 1994.
- The American Documentary (P.O.V.), New York, NY. November-December 1987, June 1991-1993 and May-October 1994.
- National Alliance of Media Arts Centers, Oakland, CA. September 1990-July 1991.
- Muriel Rukeyser Center for Media and the Arts, Berkeley, CA. May 1990-Spring 1991.
- Independent Media Distributors Alliance, Glen Cove, NY. January-March 1990.
- Public Broadcasting Service and Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Washington, DC, and Hilton Head, SC. December 1989-March 1990.
- Independent Feature Project, New York, NY. December 1989-March 1990.
- National Asian American Telecommunications Association (NAATA), San Francisco, CA. July-December 1989.
- Tony Silver Films, New York, NY. April 1988-November 1989.
- The Media Alliance, New York, NY. April-August 1988.
- Lourdes Portillo/Xochil Films, San Francisco, CA. March 1988-September 1988.
- National Black Programming Consortium, Columbus, OH. July-August 1987.
- Tony Buba Films, Braddock, PA. November 1986-August 1987.
- International Film Seminars (Flaherty Seminar), New York, NY. May-June 1987.
- Documentary Resource Center, State College, PA. January 1987.
- Media Network, New York, NY. December 1986-January 1987 and June 1987.
- Ferrero Films, San Francisco, CA. April 1986.
- San Francisco Cinematheque, September-November 1984.
- KQED-TV, San Francisco, CA. March-April 1979.
Community Cultural Development and Planning Projects
- Iⁿ ‘zhúje ‘waxóbe/Sacred Red Rock Project, Lawrence and Council Grove, KS. March-May 2022.
- Seattle Parks and Recreation Department, Seattle, WA. May 2000-January 2001.
- Appalshop, Whitesburg, KY. September 1980, October 1983, October 1997-January 1999.
- East Tennessee Foundation, Knoxville, TN. January 1997-August 1997.
- Mendocino People’s Portrait, Ukiah, CA. September 1992-December 1993.
- Jubilee Arts, West Bromwich, West Midlands, UK. April 1987, January 1990-November 1993.
- Kansas Arts Commission, Topeka, KS and Statewide. July 1988-October 1989.
- Council for the Arts in Westchester, White Plains, NY. July 1988-June 1989.
- Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission, Sacramento, CA. January-March 1987.
- McCormick Arts Council at the Keturah, McCormick, SC. September 1986.
- Cultural Partnerships, Ltd., London, England. July 1986.
- South Carolina Arts Commission, Columbia, SC. September 1984-April 1986.
- Mendocino County Arts Coalition, Willits, CA. January-March 1986.
- South Dakota Arts Council, Sioux Falls and other towns. April-July 1982.
- Rural Arts Services, Northern California. March-November 1979, October 1981.
- San Francisco Neighborhood Arts Consortium, San Francisco, CA. September 1981.
- Illinois Arts Council, Chicago, IL. June 1981.
- Colquitt County Cultural Center, Moultrie, GA. April-June 1981.
- Community Arts, San Diego, CA. May-August 1979.
- Ukiah Cultural Arts Commission, Ukiah, CA. April-May 1978.
Other Organizational Assessment and Planning
- Tyler School of Art, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. Research, on-site participatory planning, recommendations and guidance toward future structure and culture of this visual arts school. October 2017-present.
- Oregon State University, Diversity and Cultural Engagement, Corvallis, OR. March-August 2016 and March-August 2017.
- ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia, PA. April-September 2000.
- C.G. Jung Educational Center of Houston, TX. December 1994-November 1995.
- CommunityWorks Coalition, Mendocino County Division of Alcohol and Other Drug Programs, Ukiah, CA. December 1991-May 1992.
- Family Practice Residency Program, U.C. San Francisco School of Medicine, Santa Rosa, CA. January-March 1992.
- National Lawyers Guild, New York, NY. January 1989.
Summary Of Previous Experience
From 1976-77, I was Director of Cultural News Service in Sacramento. CA. From 1965-1978, I worked as a professional artist — painter, illustrator, and graphic designer — and as an arts organizer in the San Francisco Bay Area: In 1975-76, I was Coordinator of the San Francisco Artworkers’ Coalition; in 1975, I chaired the statewide California Visual Artists’ Alliance. From 1974-76, I was co-founder, art director and writer for the Arts Biweekly. In 1974, I was founder and chair of Artists in Print, and also a founding Board member of Bay Area Lawyers for the Arts.
From 1971-73, I worked as a designer and printer for the San Francisco Art Commission’s Neighborhood Arts Program. In 1970-71, I was reporter and art director for the Willamette Bridge, a weekly community newspaper in Portland, OR. From 1966-70, I was a draft counselor for San Francisco Draft Help and other Bay Area agencies.
References And Additional Information Upon Request