One of the best things about the busy, confusing time in which we live is that the more we learn through science, the more the truths of Spirit are revealed. Read on to learn how to join people around the world on Friday, December 22nd, Solstice Day, in celebrating this delightful convergence.
The Global Consciousness Project is an international collaboration, based at Princeton University and involving researchers at many institutions, exploring whether objective scientific measurement can detect signs and effects of interconnected human consciousness around the planet. Using advanced technologies and processes, the project investigates the effects of human consciousness on random event generators (REGs). Researchers have identified patterns in the flow of consciousness emerging from what should otherwise be random data; for instance, a table shows results in relation to events that capture world attention, such as the May 2006 earthquake in Indonesia (scroll down and click on “the primary results”).
Now comes a new project attempting to generate such positive effects deliberately, by purposefully coordinating a temporary change in human consciousness that is likely to affect the vast field that connects all matter and energy. As the project’s organizers put it, a
Quantum Field surrounds and is part of everything in the universe. It can be affected by human consciousness, as can be seen when simple observation of a subatomic particle changes the particle’s state.
We hope that a huge influx of physical, mental and spiritual energy with conscious peaceful intent will not only show up on Princeton’s REGs, but will have profound positive effects that will change the violent state of the human world.
And how will this huge influx be accomplished? By a Global Orgasm, anywhere, anyhow you choose, on December 22nd. The organizers ask only that you focus your thoughts during and after orgasm on bringing peace to the world.
Watch this wonderful little video for the details. World party! Come as you are!