I’m on the road with time for just a quick note to tell you that on May 12th, more than sixty activist artists, community artists, creative organizers and uncategorizable fellow travelers took part in a White House briefing I helped to organize. Actually, it was two meetings in one: I’d proposed a meeting of community arts people focused on cultural recovery, and some colleagues had proposed a meeting of artists and organizers focusing on moving the administration’s agenda by creative means, and with the White House’s encouragement, the two events were combined into one major extravaganza.
For the first time in decades, the meeting opens a conversation between the administration in Washington and artists who are committed to cultural recovery and cultural sustainability. After eight years of Bush, we had to keep pinching ourselves to believe we had entered a moment in which dialogue is actually possible. There’s a lot to learn all around, and won’t that be fun?
You can read a short article in the Washington Post and a more personal account on Facebook from Michael Nolan, who took part. More from me later. For now, here we all are on the steps of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. That’s me slightly right of center in a red jacket, sharing a laugh with my friend Dudley Cocke.
Coming up next: Why is culture the only arena in which total lack of policy expertise is no impediment to being appointed head of a major government agency: Rocco Landesman is named NEA Chair?
Swamp Gravy is a premier example of reclamation of culture through story. Begun in 1992, the stories of the local residents have been turnd into amazing theatre in a small town in Southwest Georgia. It is a tool for community and economic development, whose mission is to cross barriers of race, class, age and gender. The Swamp Gravy International Institute has taught replication processes in at least 17 states as well as Kenya, Brazil, and Canada.
[…] couple of weeks ago, I wrote briefly about the May 12th White House Briefing on Art, Community, Social Justice, National Recovery I had helped to organize. Now, a detailed report on the briefing has been released. You can […]
[…] Art & The Public Purpose: A New Framework is a just-launched campaign endorsed by a stellar group of the artists I went to Washington with back in May for White House Briefing on Art, Community, Social Justice, National Recovery. […]
[…] Art & The Public Purpose: A New Framework has been endorsed by a stellar group of the artists and activists I went to Washington with back in May for White House Briefing on Art, Community, Social Justice, National Recovery. […]