This is amazing! Check out this beautiful ad created to run on Arabic-language TV, apologizing for what was done at Abu Ghraib in our names. If the clip doesn?t play right away, click on “low” and a low-resolution version will open in another window.
At the end of May I attended a conference sponsored by the Community Arts Network, a uniquely rich resource for anyone interested in culture and community. It was conceived as a state of the field meeting, a check-in. While some of the participants were relative newcomers to community cultural development practice, there were enough 20-30-year …
The Nation of 17 May carried a piece about the shortcomings of the new South Africa. The article seems well-informed and mostly reasonable, and some (but not all) of the shortcomings seem short indeed. But my heart sank when I saw it. It’s not that I thought post-apartheid South Africa was heaven on earth, it’s …