Note to readers: This is the seventh in a series of blogs I am delighted to be writing for Harmony: The WomenArts Partnership Project. They appear biweekly on the WomenArts site (when you get there, scroll down for a list of blog installments), and I will also reproduce each one here. This installment of the …
Note to readers: This is the sixth in a series of blogs I am delighted to be writing for Harmony: The WomenArts Partnership Project. They will appear biweekly on the WomenArts site (when you get there, scroll down for a list of blog installments), and I will also reproduce each one here. This installment of …
Note to readers: This is the fifth in a series of blogs I am delighted to be writing for Harmony: The WomenArts Partnership Project. They will appear biweekly on the WomenArts site (when you get there, scroll down for a list of blog installments), and I will also reproduce each one here. In this and …
The last Harmony Project blog explored two of the many reasons for artists and activists to collaborate: to put a human face on issues, bringing them home much more powerfully; and to engage people in unearthing and exploring their own direct, personal relationships to issues. In this blog, two more ways that artist-activist collaborations multiply …
Note to readers: This is the third in a series of blogs I am delighted to be writing for Harmony: The WomenArts Partnership Project. They will appear biweekly on the WomenArts site, and I will also reproduce each one here. What can be accomplished when women artists and activist organizations work together? Most activist groups …
The meaning of collaboration ought to be straightforward: its Latin root means “working together,” plain and simple. But in practice, artistic collaboration is a continuum. At one extreme, it’s a total partnership between an artist and organization, in which a project’s style, content—even the arts media used—are jointly conceived, evolving through ongoing dialogue and negotiation. …
Note to readers: This is the first in a series of blogs I am delighted to be writing for Harmony: The WomenArts Partnership Project. They will appear biweekly on the WomenArts site, and I will also reproduce each one here. Welcome to the first installment of The Harmony Project blog! Harmony: The WomenArts Partnership Project …